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How do people install positive thinkings?Motivation12channel.

 There are many different ways that people install positive thinking in their lives. Some people read motivational books, listen to uplifting music, or watch feel-good movies. Others may choose to journal about their thoughts and feelings or participate in meditative practices. No matter which techniques work best for you, the important thing is to make a commitment to yourself to be kinder and more forgiving towards yourself. When you do this, you will find that your thoughts and moods become much more positive overall. So go ahead and try out a few different methods until you find what works best for you – the benefits will be well worth it!

1. Understand the basics of positive thinking

Thinking positively can be tough, especially when life seems to be constantly throwing negative situations your way. Trust me, I get it. I used to be a total pessimist, always seeing the glass as half empty. But then I realized that my negative thinking was only making me feel worse, so I decided to make a change. And it all starts with understanding the basics of positive thinking.

The first step is to become aware of your thoughts. Just like anything else in life, you can't change something unless you're aware of it first. So start paying attention to the thoughts that run through your head on a daily basis. Are they mostly positive or negative? Once you've become aware of your thought patterns, you can start working on changing them.

And that leads us to the second step: changing your thinking from negative to positive. This can be tricky, but it's definitely doable with a little practice. A good way to start is by reframing your negative thoughts into more positive ones. For example, instead of thinking "I'm such a failure," try telling yourself "I'm doing my best." It may seem cheesy at first, but trust me, it works! With time and practice, you'll find that thinking positively comes more naturally to you. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how much better you feel!

2. Realize that it's not about being happy all the time

For most people, happiness is something that comes and goes. There are good days and bad days, times of joy and times of sorrow. And that's perfectly normal. However, some people seem to be perpetually unhappy, no matter what is happening in their lives. They may believe that it's possible to be happy all the time, and feel like they're falling short when they're not. But the truth is that happiness is not a constant state. It's normal to feel happy sometimes and unhappy at other times. And that's okay. Trying to be happy all the time is unrealistic and can actually lead to more feelings of unhappiness. It's important to accept that happiness is something that comes and goes and to focus on enjoying the happy moments when they occur.

3. Practice self-compassion

Why are we so hard on ourselves? We are our own worst critics, constantly putting ourselves down and berating ourselves for our shortcomings. We beat ourselves up over small mistakes and dwell on our failures instead of celebrating our successes. This need to be perfect is exhausting and can lead to feelings of anxiety and worthlessness. Instead of being so hard on ourselves, we need to learn to practice self-compassion. This means treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would extend to others. It means accepting our imperfections and accepting that we are human. When we make a mistake, we need to forgive ourselves and move on. By practicing self-compassion, we can reduce stress, improve our mood, and boost our self-confidence. So next time you're feeling down on yourself, remember to be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

4. Be patient - change doesn't happen overnight

Change is something that we all go through in life. Sometimes it happens gradually, and sometimes it happens rapidly. But one thing is certain - change is never easy. Whether it's a change in our personal lives or a change in the world around us, it can be hard to adjust. That's why it's important to be patient when change is happening. It can be tempting to give up when things are tough, but if we are patient and persevere, we will eventually see the results we desire. Just remember that change doesn't happen overnight, so be patient and stay the course. Success will come in time.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

It has been said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If that is true, then it stands to reason that surrounding yourself with positive people will lead to a more positive life. Positive people tend to be optimistic, upbeat, and supportive. They see the best in people and in situations, and they are often willing to lend a helping hand. They also tend to be more successful in life, which can rub off on those around them. On the other hand, negative people tend to be pessimistic, critical, and judgmental. They focus on the worst in people and in situations, and they are often quick to point out flaws. They also tend to be less successful in life, which can have a negative impact on those around them. So if you want to live a positive life, make an effort to surround yourself with positive people.

6. Let go of negative thoughts and emotions

It's easy to get bogged down by negative thoughts and emotions. We all have days where everything seems to be going wrong and we can't seem to catch a break. However, it's important to remember that these negative feelings are only temporary. If we allow them to take hold, they can quickly spiral out of control. Instead, we need to learn to let go of these negative thoughts and emotions. This doesn't mean pretending that they don't exist or burying our heads in the sand. Rather, it means acknowledging them and then consciously choosing to move on. This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier and more natural. Soon, you'll find that you're able to let go of negative thoughts and emotions far more easily, giving you the freedom to focus on the positive aspects of your life.

People install positive thinking by practicing them. This can be done through self-talk, affirmations, and visualizations. 

-People also install positive thinking by surrounding themselves with positive people and things.  

 -People can install negative thoughts as well. These are installed in a similar way to how people install positive thoughts, but the difference is that people practice and surround themselves with negative thoughts more often than not. 

-Conclusion: Installing positive thinking takes work, but it’s worth it! You will start to see a change in your life once you begin to practice these techniques on a daily basis. It’s important to remember that installing positive thought isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making progress each day toward becoming the best possible version of yourself. What technique are you going to try first?

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