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Negative and Positive Thinking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Whichever aspect of life we’re talking about, people seem to have one of two reactions when they think about it: they’re either drawn to it or repelled by it. As you might have guessed, positive and negative thinking are pretty much opposites—you can think of them as yin and yang, if you want an Eastern perspective on things—and yet there’s something to be said for both of them.

An introduction to negative vs. positive thinking

Everyone knows that there are two ways of thinking, negative and positive. Negative thinking is characterized by pessimism and a constant focus on what's wrong in your life. On the other hand, positive thinking is characterized by optimism with a focus on what's right in your life. It may seem like an easy concept to grasp, but you might be surprised to know that one isn't better than the other - they're just different. Negative thinking can lead to feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and depression. But positive thinking can lead to feelings of joy and happiness. In essence, negative thoughts have the potential for being damaging while positive thoughts have the potential for being uplifting! So if you find yourself stuck in negative thinking, try focusing on all the good things happening in your life. And when stuck in positive thinking, take time to think about things that aren't so great. Negative vs. positive? When it comes down to it, both types of thought will always be relevant and needed in our lives!

The good of a bad attitude (the power of pessimism)

A bad attitude has a lot of benefits. It can keep you grounded in reality, prevent you from blindly chasing dreams with no chance of success, help you stay focused on your goals, and make sure you never lose sight of what's important. In fact, pessimism is one of the most powerful tools for self-improvement that anyone can have. For example, negative thinking will lead to critical thinking, which will allow us to see our faults and weaknesses; but also, as a result, we'll also be able to identify any problems or issues within our lives that we might not otherwise be able to see. Critical thinkers are much more likely to work hard towards achieving their goals because they know how difficult it will be to reach them. So negative thinking actually serves many positive purposes and should not always be seen as something negative.

The bad of a good attitude (always look on the bright side)

There is a lot of advice out there about having a good attitude. It's important to have a positive outlook on life, but sometimes when it comes to our own thoughts and feelings, it can be difficult to push those negative thoughts aside. Here are some tips for being mindful of your thought patterns. 

1) Recognize what you're thinking about - If you recognize that you're thinking negatively about something or someone, realize that this is your mind playing tricks on itself and not reality. 2) Remember that nothing lasts forever - No matter how bad things may seem, they will eventually pass in time. Negative experiences happen to everyone at some point in their lives, so if you experience something negative don't beat yourself up over it! 3) Focus on the positive side of life - After a hard day at work, try to remember all of the great moments from your day instead of dwelling on the few negatives.

The ugly in both sides (what is so wrong with reality?)

The ugly in both side of negative thinking is that it's paralyzing. We don't want to do anything because we think it won't work out anyway. But when we're positive about an idea, we're more likely to act on it. When you make a goal for yourself, you set a deadline for achieving that goal. If you are positive about your goal, you will be more motivated to get things done and make progress as opposed to dwelling on what could go wrong in a negative way of thinking. With negative thoughts, we may say that it’s not worth it to even try because there’s a good chance you’ll fail. With positive thoughts, we feel like every step forward is going to be helpful toward our goals.

The absolute best method for further developing your life is to emphatically think.

But, assuming that it's that straightforward, did you truly have to peruse an entire book about it? Indeed, yes. Currently, having perused this book, you'll view it simpler as a positive scholar. You'll currently comprehend what positive reasoning is and what it isn't. You'll know how you can move from negative reasoning to positive reasoning and understand your positive considerations with positive activity. You'll likewise know how to prepare your mind to think in sure ways and you'll comprehend the distinction that positive reasoning can make while you're going through troublesome and difficult stretches.

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