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The 5 laws of attraction that will change your life-Motivation12channel.

The Law of Attraction has been in existence since the early 1800's and it was coined by an American writer named Rhonda Byrne in her best-selling book, The Secret (2006). Based on the teachings of thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wallace Wattles, and William Walker Atkinson, this concept is really not new at all – but it’s definitely getting more popular as time goes by. To help you understand better what the Law of Attraction is all about, here are 5 simple laws that you need to know about to change your life for the better!

Law #1: Believe in yourself

Trust the process. There's a reason behind everything that happens in our lives--even if we don't know what the reason is at the time--and sometimes when we stop trusting the process and start trying to control everything, we get frustrated because nothing goes according to plan. But it doesn't have to be like this! You can learn to trust the process by letting go of any expectations or assumptions you have about how things should turn out, which will give you greater peace of mind and reduce anxiety. You can also trust the process by doing only what you're feeling led to do, not forcing anything on yourself or others, as this will help avoid resistance or stress. If you're experiencing resistance while doing something that feels right for you, take a break and try again later with renewed energy; it'll come together eventually!

Law #2: Know exactly what you want

It's easy to think about what you don't want, but when it comes to manifesting what you do want, it can be a little more challenging. That's why knowing exactly what you want is the second law. As the law says, If you don't know what you want, then you'll never have it. The only way to get from Point A (what you don't want) to Point B (what you do want) is by knowing exactly where your destination is and how to get there. You can start by making a list of all the things that are going well in your life right now and then write down everything that's not going so well. Finally, you're going to close your eyes and ask yourself What do I really want? 

This may seem like an impossible question to answer at first because you probably didn't realize that there was anything wrong with your life until just this moment. But trust me: there's always something wrong with our lives because nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan. But this time is different! Close your eyes and imagine what would happen if everything in your life was perfect - no flaws, no worries, nothing out of place. What does it look like? How does it feel? And most importantly, who are you?

Law #3: Put it out there

Put it out there. You might be a private person and you might not want to share everything with the world, but if you're going to do this whole law of attraction thing then you need to put it out there. Share your goals, dreams, desires, and thoughts about what you want and where you want to be in the future. Write about them on Facebook and Instagram, and talk about them at dinner parties or work events. Talk about your plans for the future at every opportunity because people who are also looking for success can come alongside and help make those dreams come true. The more people know what they're striving for, the better chance they have of making it happen. You become what you believe. -Law #5 Everything is happening as it should, just as long as you keep believing. -Law #4 Focus on what feels good -Law #1 Doing creates having. -Law #2

Law #4: What you resist persists

This law could be broken down into two parts. The first part is about the way you think about things and the second part is about what you focus on. If you want to attract something, but continue to resist it, then it's going to persist in your thoughts and in what you are focusing on. For example, if you have been trying to go out with someone who has been ignoring you and they do not seem interested when they finally give you a chance, then there may be some resentment in your mind because they took so long. That resentment may prevent them from feeling anything towards you and make them want to get away from any contact with you again. You need to forgive them for taking so long or even come up with an excuse as to why they did not respond sooner. When we practice law #3 (not resisting) by allowing those old resentments and negative thoughts out of our minds, it allows more positive opportunities to come our way. Law #4 can also be seen as being true for situations where we might fear doing something new because we don't know what might happen. What would happen if I went for that job I am qualified for? What would happen if I signed up for a class I always wanted to take? Law #4 shows us that by staying in this comfort zone where we already know the outcome, then nothing will ever change around us.

Law #5: Accept things as they are

Sometimes, you have to accept things as they are instead of focusing on the negative. You can't control how others act or what they say, but you can control how you react and choose to feel about it. This law teaches us to focus on what we have rather than what we don't. It is in this way that we attract more good things into our lives. After all, when we spend time thinking about what we're grateful for, we are already increasing our vibration and raising the likelihood that other great things will come into our lives. And if you find yourself caught up in negative thoughts, just remind yourself of one simple fact: nothing ever stays the same. Law #6: Be persistent: Just like with law #4 (trust), sometimes law #5 may take some time to be effective so be persistent! Think positively and know that these laws always work eventually!

We hope you enjoyed our article about the 5 laws of attraction that will change your life. We believe that these laws are some of the most powerful forces in the universe and really go to show how powerful they can be. If you want to be successful in your life, these laws need to be at the forefront of your mind. If you want to learn more about them, please visit our website at:

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