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Think Positively to Live Positively-Motivation12channel

Think Positively to Live Positively The power of positive thinking is something that’s been touted by all sorts of self-help gurus over the years, but what does it really mean? And how can you incorporate positive thinking into your life? Let’s take a look at some great examples of positive thinking and what they can do for you...

Think about the good

Next time you’re having a rough day, stop and reflect on all of your blessings. Think about what good is happening in your life and why you should be grateful for it. Remembering our blessings helps us push through negativity and discouragement. It's important not only to remember them but also to express gratitude to them—by telling others or by making yourself feel even better by doing kind things for other people. Studies show that we’re more likely to help others when we’re feeling positive ourselves.

Set S.M.A.R.T goals

First of all, what's a S.M.A.R.T goal? It's an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. In other words: Goals should be clear, specific, and ambitious—and they should have an end date (and a time frame).

Get rid of toxic people in your life

There’s no shortage of negativity in our lives. Our friends and family, significant others, and coworkers—even strangers on social media—can weigh us down with all their complaints. This can negatively impact not only our physical health, but also our mental well-being and ability to think positively. You don’t have to rid yourself of all negative influences; just getting rid of one or two people could give you a big boost when it comes to your mental health. Pay attention to what types of people tend to bring you down, then do your best to limit your time with them or at least cut back on how much energy you invest in their problems.

Keep a journal, write down your feelings, thoughts, and actions

Journaling is a great way to take stock of your emotions and make sure you’re staying true to your goals. Most people find that it’s easier to write down their feelings than talk about them, especially when they feel defeated or upset. If journaling doesn’t work for you, try talking things through with a friend or family member; sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own heads that it can be helpful just to hear an outside perspective. Remember: The most important thing is finding something that works for you, not trying something and saying this isn’t right for me. It can take time, but as long as you're working on being more positive every day, you'll find that things start looking up.

Surround yourself with positive people

The people around you have a direct impact on your life and attitude. Negative people tend to bring you down, so don’t allow them in your circle of friends or avoid talking with them. Surround yourself with happy, positive people that make you feel good about yourself and your life. These relationships will help keep you motivated for success.

Do something new every day

Taking on something new every day is an easy way to mix up your life and add variety. It can also provide some fun challenges along with a newfound sense of accomplishment. Plus, it might inspire you to do something you never would have otherwise done. So don’t be afraid to try new things: take a class, learn how to swim, meditate for five minutes each day or volunteer somewhere in your community—whatever strikes your fancy! Mixing up your routine will help keep you interested and motivated. And if nothing else, remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing at all!

Be active, exercise is your best medicine

Exercise in any form has been shown to improve mental well-being. As far as exercise goes, it doesn’t really matter what type of activity you do, only that you do something. Don’t have time for a gym? Try taking a walk around your neighborhood or doing some light weightlifting on your couch at home. Doing anything is better than nothing. The key is that after a little bit of activity, we tend to feel more upbeat and positive about life in general. Taking a break from our usual activities and spending some time in nature can also help put things into perspective. As part of a regular fitness routine (such as jogging), try setting aside time for something else, like taking a hike or going on an overnight camping trip with friends or family members. You'll not only be doing good for your body but will also enjoy the outdoors in a new way.

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