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7 Steps to a Happier Life According to Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is the study of psychological well-being and happiness, and it’s become one of the hottest areas of psychology over the last decade or so. One of the largest benefits of positive psychology has been its ability to teach people how to make small changes in their lives that can lead to big changes in their outlook and overall happiness with life. Follow these seven steps to become happier, according to positive psychology research.

1) Define your happiness

The term happiness means different things to different people. For some, it's about material possessions or monetary wealth. For others, it's about the richness of their relationships with other people and the fulfillment they get from their work. 

At its core, happiness is a positive emotion that is brought on by an experience that leaves you feeling content and fulfilled. And while there are many factors that can lead you to feel happy, there are also a number of steps you can take in order to maintain your sense of contentment and live a happier life. Here are seven simple steps that will help bring more happiness into your life according to positive psychology: 

1) Spend time on a regular basis doing something for yourself that brings you joy; this could be as simple as taking a relaxing bath after a long day at work or making time for a hobby that brings you great pleasure. 2) Avoid focusing solely on what isn't going well in your life and instead make sure to celebrate the positives; even if it's something small like being able to enjoy coffee every morning without worrying about running out, try counting up all of the good things going on in your life when times are tough and remind yourself how fortunate you really are.

2) Set realistic goals

One of the first steps to a happier life is setting realistic goals. Goals should be achievable and not too far outside of your comfort zone. It's important that you set goals that are specific and measurable so that you can measure how successful you've been in achieving them. In other words, I want to feel more confident isn't a good goal because it isn't specific or measurable. I want to find three new activities I enjoy doing every week is better because there's a clear outcome and it isn't too big for someone just starting out. Focus on one thing at a time: Positive psychologists suggest focusing on one thing at a time. Focusing on multiple tasks at once may make you less happy because they don't get the attention they need. Not only will this produce worse results, but it can also cause stress when trying to juggle many tasks. Spend time with people who make me happy: Asking yourself what makes you happy may lead you down a difficult road, but it's also an interesting question to explore and ponder over which could help create meaning in your life. Spending time with people who make me happy is one way to increase happiness in my day-to-day life by spending meaningful moments with people who bring joy into my own experience

3) Express gratitude

It's easy to take the small things we have for granted, but they can make a huge difference in our day-to-day lives. For example, when I wake up in the morning, I say a quick thank you for my bed, my coffee machine (even if it doesn't work and I have to brew coffee manually), and my shower. I then thank myself for getting out of bed and making myself a hot drink before starting my day. Doing this every morning, it helps me feel more grateful for the little things that go unnoticed on a daily basis. This gratitude helps improve your mood and sense of well-being because you're appreciating what you have instead of focusing on what is missing from your life. One study found that practicing gratitude by keeping a journal or writing a letter of thanks helped participants experience fewer depressive symptoms over time and increased their overall satisfaction with their lives. Expressing gratitude also has an immediate impact: studies show people who keep a gratitude diary (in which they record five things each day that made them happy) felt happier and less stressed than those who did not keep one. In addition to listing five things you are grateful for, researchers suggest finding new ways to be thankful - such as playing your favorite song or indulging in a slice of cake - each day.

4) Invest in relationships

1. Invest in relationships. Relationships are the most effective way of combating the effects of stress and anxiety. Studies have found that relationships are a key component in leading a happy, healthy life. 2. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply the act of being present in the moment, without judgment or evaluation. 3. Try yoga or meditation as a means of relaxation and reducing stress levels as well as an opportunity for self-care 4. Get enough sleep - Staying up late can make you feel tired, cranky, and even depressed 5) Exercise regularly 6) Eat healthily with variety 7) Take time out for yourself every day 8) Spend time doing things you enjoy 9) Travel 10) Keep your chin up 11).

5) Be mindful

1) Be mindful of your thoughts. This means that you become aware of how you are feeling and think about the possible reasons for this. 2) Be mindful of your body. This means that you become aware of what is happening in your body and try to understand why it is happening. 3) Be mindful of your surroundings. This means that you notice the world around you, what people are doing, what noises there is etcetera. Try not to judge anything or get distracted by other things, but focus on the present moment and be open to new experiences. 4) Be mindful of your actions: a blog about positive psychology. 5) Be present with others: a blog about positive psychology. 6) Give yourself a break: a blog about positive psychology. 7).

6) Act like you're happy

People often think of positive psychology as a way to cope with mental illness, but it can also help us achieve balance and happiness. To be happier, we need to focus on our strengths, express gratitude for what we have in our lives, and spend more time with people who make us feel good. 

1) Think about your strengths and skills. 

2) Spend some time doing things you're good at. 

3) Get enough sleep, exercise, and do activities that bring meaning into your life. This can include volunteering or learning something new every day. 4) Find humor in difficult situations. Humor doesn't always mean laughter, sometimes it's about finding the levity or beauty within the situation. The next time you find yourself feeling down, try looking for the humor around you. You'll be surprised by how much better you'll feel!

7) Live in the present

A lot of times we dwell on what could have been or what might happen, but learning how to live in the present moment can really help us become more mindful and conscious. This is because in the present moment you don't need to worry about the past or future; you are able to just focus on the now. This can lead to a happier life because you will be able to simply enjoy everything that comes your way without letting it stress you out. 


1. Find a personal value that makes you happy. 

2. Make a list of things you can do today to make yourself happier. 

3. Write down three things that made you happy today and why they made you happy. 

4. Be mindful of your thoughts, and avoid negative self-talk at all costs! 

5. Practice gratitude by taking time to reflect on what you have, not what you don't have (I know it's hard!). 

6. Take care of your body by eating well and exercising regularly! 

7. Spend some time with people who make YOU feel good about yourself! 8. Surround yourself with positive influences and stay away from people who bring you down. 

9. Seek out meaningful work or hobbies that challenge your abilities in some way, whether physically or intellectually! 

10. Understand the difference between good stress and bad stress--both are necessary in life but one leads to success while the other leads to failure--and then take appropriate action depending on which one is happening in your life right now!

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