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Are positive thoughts more powerful than negative ones?Motivation12channel.

 Are positive thoughts more powerful than negative ones?

We all have positive and negative thoughts when it comes to things we’re dealing with in our lives, but are they really more powerful than each other? Are positive thoughts really more powerful than negatives? There are numerous stories of people having success with their thinking, but there’s also scientific evidence that it may not work as well as many people believe it does. As with most things in life, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Positive thinking might not be more powerful than negative thinking, but it could certainly give you an edge over being a pessimist.

Introducing the study

In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers looked at how the thoughts people had about themselves influenced their ability to do difficult tasks. The study involved two sets of participants: one set was asked to write about why they were worthless or would fail (the negative condition) and the other was asked to write about why they were competent or successful (the positive condition). The researchers found that people who wrote in the positive condition reported higher self-esteem and lower levels of depression than those who wrote in the negative condition. They also performed better on difficult tasks, such as anagrams and puzzles. The implications are clear, says Richard Petty, a psychologist at Ohio State University. If you want to get good grades, be happier and less depressed, and think more positively. So while it is true that negative thoughts can be motivating sometimes and there are times when we need them to spur us into action--to achieve our goals for example--when it comes down to our happiness and mental health, the opposite seems true: Are positive thoughts more powerful than negatives ones?

The findings

Positive thoughts are more powerful than negative ones. Studies show that positive thoughts are 12% more powerful than negative ones. When we worry or have a negative thought, it is because we think the event will happen, and if it doesn't happen then we lose hope. On the other hand, when we have a positive thought, it is because of our belief that the event will not happen, and if it does happen then we still believe in hope. That's why many people say to keep your chin up.

The implications

This is a question that has been debated for years, but there's not an easy answer. There are those who think that positive thoughts are powerful and can be lifesaving, while others contend that all thoughts have the same level of power. To understand the difference between these two perspectives, it's important to know that there are two types of thoughts: conscious and unconscious. Conscious thoughts are those we're aware of and can control with our minds; unconscious thoughts occur when we're not paying attention and also can't be controlled. While both kinds of thoughts have an effect on us (we'll get into more detail about this in the next paragraph), their relative strengths depend on whether they're consciously or unconsciously focused. When we do think about negative things in our lives, like failures or criticism from others, 

while it might be hard to keep them from affecting us, consciously dwelling on them will only lead to a worse outcome. The best way to protect yourself from feeling hurt by negative words or images is to spend your time thinking about what you want rather than what you don't want. Think of how nice it would be if you could buy a home or start your own business! Focusing on these desires will make you feel better and may even give your desires the power they need to come true!

The takeaway

Overall, the answer to this question is unclear. However, we can take some lessons from this debate. First and foremost, our thoughts are always in control of us, no matter what they are. We may not be able to stop negative thoughts from coming up at times (and that's ok), but we can decide how long we focus on them. Second, it is possible for positive thoughts to be more powerful than negative ones--if we cultivate them and give them time and space to grow. Thirdly, being mindful of your thoughts can help you improve your life by being more aware of your self-talk and the impact it has on you. Finally, here are some things you can do to nurture your own positive thinking: - Journal about a thought that made you feel good; - Spend 5 minutes writing down 3 things each day that went well; - Be specific when identifying areas of improvement so you can see incremental progress; - Talk kindly with yourself and use I statements instead of you; - Express gratitude each night before bed and make a list every morning.


This question has been debated for years and there is no definitive answer. However, research suggests that negative thoughts are more powerful in the short term because they activate the fight or flight response, a survival mechanism that causes an immediate release of adrenaline and other stress hormones. Over time this response can become damaging to your health. On the other hand, positive thoughts may be more powerful in the long term because they promote feelings of well-being, which help you stay motivated and inspired. Psychologist Martin Seligman states that people who have developed psychological resilience by practicing optimism will be able to restructure the aftermath of adversity so that it leads to constructive behavior (Seligman). They do this by redefining events as not failures but instead opportunities for growth. Seligman also claims that it’s important not only to change your beliefs about what caused the adversity but also how you think about yourself after experiencing failure. Practicing optimism over negativity can be empowering and increase self-confidence while boosting resilience.

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