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The Secret of Attraction Law: People Who Look Like Them-Motivation12channel.

 The Secret  of Attraction Law: People Who Look Like Them

Have you ever noticed how often people tend to be attracted to people who look like them? It’s almost like there’s something about our appearance that subconsciously tells us, I like people who look like me. While it may not be the case for everyone, according to psychological studies and analyses of personal relationships, there does seem to be some truth to this phenomenon.

What is Attraction Law?

Attraction law is the idea that people are attracted to others who share their genes. Why do people go for people who look like them? The answer is simple. Think about it this way, when you meet someone and they seem like a total stranger, but you have a strong physical attraction towards them, what's going on here? You're attracted because they look like someone else you know and love! Whether or not the person shares any of your other interests doesn't matter, as long as they have those same facial features. 

Each of us has an instinctive desire to preserve our own likeness. We also want to protect ourselves from lesser forms of life-to put it in evolutionary terms, we don't want our DNA diluted with inferior DNA. Therefore, when choosing mates, we tend to choose individuals with similar traits. That way, our offspring will be more likely to survive and prosper.

How does it work?

Attraction law states that people tend to date and be attracted to those who look like them. Why do people go for people who look like them? One theory is that we are naturally drawn to others who have similar facial features, and this may lead us to feel a sense of familiarity with them. Another theory is the matchmaking hypothesis. Our brains might store data on what we think are the most desirable traits in a mate based on what they see in themselves or their parents. A final theory suggests that it has to do with the so-called law of reciprocity - when someone does something nice for you, you will want to return the favor by being nice back. If someone looks familiar to you, then chances are they would probably be more likely to help you out because your brain would associate them with good memories. What's your take on attraction law?

Case Study

Why do people go for people who look like them? Why is it that we're more likely to have romantic relationships with someone who looks like us? This question has been asked since the dawn of time. The answer, however, is not as simple as People just want what they can't have. There are a few scientific theories about why we choose mates who look like us. One theory suggests that we find people similar to ourselves attractive because our genes might be in sync with theirs, which would make their offspring stronger. Another theory is evolutionary; it proposes that these look-alikes will carry our genes better and reproduce faster than those who don't share our features or appearance.


It makes sense that we would be attracted to people who look like us. It's natural for us to want someone who shares our values and interests. But how does it work when two people who look a lot alike end up together? Why do people go for people who look like them? Scientists think it's because they view those people as family. Plus, the person looks like their dream partner, which is why some men prefer petite women. Why do people go for people who look like them? Scientists think it's because they view those people as family. Plus, the person looks like their dream partner, which is why some men prefer petite women.

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