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What Is The Positive Psychology Perspective?Motivation12channel.

What Is The Positive Psychology Perspective?

The positive psychology perspective focuses on what makes us feel good and keeps us happy, whereas the traditional psychology perspective focuses on what makes us feel bad and keeps us miserable. Although this may seem like common sense, it’s an important distinction to make when considering all the factors that contribute to a person’s overall well-being. By exploring these differences, we can learn ways to increase our own positive well-being in life and the success of others around us.

A Brief Overview of Positive Psychology

The positive psychology perspective is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study and promotion of human happiness, well-being, and meaning. This perspective was founded by Dr. Martin Seligman in 1998. Seligman's work revealed that four facets are necessary to create an enjoyable life: positive emotions, engagement, good relationships with others, and meaning or purpose. Research has shown that those who are able to live a fulfilling life have the capability of changing their outlook on negativity. A number of years ago, Professors Amitai Shenhav and David Krahn studied how people reacted to difficult situations in order to find out whether or not they could change their outlook on it. In one experiment, participants were made uncomfortable using cold water from the air conditioner for 30 minutes while performing mental tasks such as solving math problems. For some participants, once they were done, they were given new clothes (without being asked) whereas for other participants they had no change after the experiment.

The Three Pillars of Positive Psychology

According to positive psychology, there are three pillars of happiness: the present moment, hope, and relationships. It is important to be mindful of what we are doing in the present moment to enjoy it as much as possible. Every event happens to have a beginning and an end, so it is best to have some hope for what may happen next. Relationships are not only about human interactions; one's relationship with themselves has a significant impact on their overall well-being. Negative thoughts can lead to negative feelings which can lead to negative behaviors, but living in a state of gratitude will result in positive thoughts, which will result in more happiness. So what exactly is the positive psychology perspective? The answer lies within each person who wants to find out more and make changes!

How Positive Psychology Can Benefit You

The best way to think of the positive psychology perspective is that it's a way of thinking about how we can make our lives better. It's been around for almost a century but has only recently become popularized in Western culture. This perspective is rooted in the idea that our thoughts and feelings have an impact on our lives, and that if we want to be happy we need to change those thoughts and feelings. It focuses on what people do well instead of what they lack or do poorly, which helps us see where we're succeeding. When you apply this theory to your own life, you'll find that you're better able to identify strengths and build on them because the positive psychology perspective makes it clear which behaviors are considered healthy and which ones aren't. What’s even more interesting is that applying the positive psychology perspective can lead to increased happiness levels by 20%. We’re also more likely to live longer when we incorporate what we know about positivity in our daily lives. What does this mean for you? Simply put, living a happier and healthier life!

Practicing Positive Psychology in Your Everyday Life

The positive psychology perspective is all about the idea that humans are motivated to seek happiness and avoid suffering. There are three main branches of the perspective: hedonism, eudaimonia, and self-actualization. Hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain. Eudaimonia is self-development through virtue and meaningful relationships with others. Self-actualization is developing one's potential in order to achieve a sense of self-fulfillment. If you’ve ever heard someone say they want to be the best version of themselves, then you’re familiar with this branch. These theories have guided many schools of thought for more than 2500 years - it's what Aristotle called the highest good and the Greeks called eudaimonia. It's also what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls flow or the state of optimal human performance.


The positive psychology perspective is about happiness and well-being. It's about how we can make the most of life, and how we can live a meaningful life. But what does that mean exactly? Well, it's not always easy to know. Figuring out what you want to do in your life can be tough, but it doesn't have to be impossible. The first step is taking the time to think about what's important to you in your day-to-day life. What are your values? What makes you happy? What do you hope for the future of humanity and the planet earth? Once you've answered these questions, you'll know where to start looking for answers on how to create a meaning full life for yourself!

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