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Does the law of attraction work? The law of attraction explained-Motivation12channel.

How does the law of attraction work? How can you apply it to your life? What results have other people seen when applying the law of attraction? These are all questions that you may have when you first hear about this universal principle. In order to understand the law of attraction, you must first understand how it works, and why some people see success with it and others don’t.

What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a theory that states we attract what we think about and feel. It is a universal law that is working all the time whether you are aware of it or not. Simply put, if you don't like what you have in your life, then change your thoughts and feelings to be happy and positive. If you do like what you have in your life, then keep thinking happy and positive thoughts. You can also use visualization techniques to see what it would be like to live with the things that you desire. The more often you do this, the more likely your thoughts will become reality and your desires will come true.

How does it work?

The law of attraction is based on the idea that our thoughts affect our experiences. That is, what we think about becomes our reality. If you think positive thoughts and stay focused on your goals, you will attract positive people, opportunities, and events into your life. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts and worrying about things, then you will attract negative people and events into your life. So does the law of attraction work? Yes! It all starts with what you think about. What you focus on expands, so if you keep looking at those clouds and staying in a bad mood because it's raining outside, well guess what? You're going to get more rain.

Proof that the law works

The law of attraction is a theory proposed by Abraham-Hicks in 2006. It says that you attract into your life what you give your attention, energy, and focus to. You create your own reality based on your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. So does it work? Yes! If you give positive energy to something, you will get positive things back from it. It's just science! In 2008, researchers at Harvard University studied how people who watched an uplifting video or listened to an uplifting song were more likely to be creative than those who didn't watch anything or listen to music. That same year, another study found that if you're feeling down, watching funny videos can make you feel better almost instantly.

Problems with the Law Of Attraction (LOA)

The LOA is a universal truth that will work for anyone if they can get their mind to believe it. I like to use the analogy of gravity. Gravity works on anything that has mass and falls toward the earth. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. If you jump off a building and don't open your parachute, gravity will cause you to fall and hit the ground, just as it would if I jumped off a building without opening my parachute. The force of gravity does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, creed, or gender. Likewise with the Law Of Attraction: whatever you put out into the world will return back to you.

Taking action after learning LOA

The best way to know if the law of attraction works is by taking action. Study what you want to manifest and do things that align with your desires. Visualize often and be grateful for what you already have in your life, rather than focusing on what you don't have. All these actions will help bring your goals to fruition. If you take care of yourself and let go of negativity or self-doubt, this can also increase the likelihood that LOA will work out as desired. There are many ways to apply the principles of LOA so it may seem a bit confusing at first, but with practice and patience, it can become second nature.

Why isn't LOA working for me?

The law of attraction is a universal law that can be used by anyone to manifest their desires. It's been around for centuries and has been practiced by people from all over the world, but it became popular again in 2006 thanks to Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret. There are a few common reasons why LOA isn't working for you and they can typically be fixed pretty easily. 
1) You may not be focused on your intention. The Law of attraction doesn't work if you're distracted or worried about something else. 2) You might be focusing on what you DON'T want instead of what you DO want. If this sounds like you, start asking yourself questions like: What do I want? How do I feel when I get this? 3) Your emotions might also have gotten in the way- try shifting your mood into feeling happy and confident before giving LOA another shot.


The law of attraction does not work if you're not being deliberate about your thoughts and feelings. In order for you to use the Law of Attraction, you need to be able to control how you feel and how you think. If this is something that's difficult for you, then perhaps it's time to seek help from a psychologist or counselor. If you do have some self-awareness, but still struggle with these things on occasion, don't worry! That just means there are many opportunities for you to try again until the law of attraction starts working!

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