Blog entirely for Psychology, Motivation and Positive Thinking.



Is it from inside or outside?: Motivation to study-Motivation12channel.


Is it from inside or outside? Motivation to study can be described in many ways, and there are certainly many opinions out there about how best to achieve it. But one thing all the sources seem to agree on: motivation to study isn’t just important, it’s essential to your academic success. Whether you’re a high school student or working on your dissertation, your motivation will go a long way toward determining whether you finish your studies with flying colors or not at all!

How do you define success?

Success is a subjective term and means different things to different people. There are many definitions, but I think that one person's success can be another person's downfall. For me, success is learning something new, whether that's a skill, a language, or even just an interesting fact. It's not always easy to keep going when you feel like you're not making any progress and it feels like there is no motivation to study. You may find yourself being easily distracted by other things, losing focus, procrastinating, or feeling unmotivated to continue. You need to remember why you started studying in the first place: maybe it was because you wanted to become more educated or improve your career prospects? Maybe you have a specific goal in mind? Whatever your reason is, remind yourself of this whenever you start doubting yourself.

Decide if your goal is meant to change your life

Motivation to study is a difficult thing to come by. Many people find themselves in a position where they need motivation just to get through the day, let alone have enough motivation to go out and learn something new. But what type of motivation should we be looking for? The simplest way to determine if you’ve found the right goal is to answer this question: Does this goal need me to change my life, or will it allow me to continue living as I am now?

Set achievable goals
Setting achievable goals will help you feel accomplished, which in turn is a great motivator. So before you start studying, figure out what you want to accomplish and work your way up from there. For example, if your goal is an A on the exam, make sure that your first step is setting a deadline for when you need to have the homework done. You can also break down your larger goal into smaller tasks (e.g., reading the textbook for 15 minutes each day). Make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew though; try dividing your assignment into smaller chunks of time. If you spend 30 minutes each day working towards your goal, then after 10 days of work, congratulations! Your assignment is half finished!

Build self-discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to control your emotions and behaviors and make decisions without relying on external pressures. Studies show that willpower is a finite resource. That means when you use your self-control in one area of your life, it can leave you with less energy for another. It’s important to figure out what motivates you so that you don’t need to rely on willpower as often. For example, if music helps me focus I will listen to my favorite artist while studying rather than turn off the song midway through because I lost interest in what I was doing.

What are some tips on staying motivated?

-Set goals. Know what you want to accomplish and how you are going to do it. You can't stay motivated when you don't know where you're trying to go. -Determine your motivation level. Figure out why you need this in your life and what will happen if you don't get it. If the answer is I'll never have a good job, then my motivation level is high and this goal needs to be accomplished quickly. The same goes for wanting to finish school because otherwise, they won't have any way of supporting themselves. However, if the answer is because my parents told me so, that's not enough of a reason to stay motivated for a long. 
What type of person would this blog post resonate with? Young people who are struggling with staying on task case studies, stories, and examples of people who succeeded despite all odds
Motivation is a very interesting topic. If you ask any person what their motivation for studying is, the answer will vary. For some, studying is a means of survival - without a diploma, they may not be able to provide for themselves and their families. For others, the motivation comes from within - they want to learn in order to better themselves and their communities. And still others, motivation can come from both: the need for education as well as an internal desire to expand one's knowledge. My goal with this blog post is to help motivate people who are struggling with the motivation to study by providing examples of people who succeeded despite all odds. 
If you have any stories or ideas please send them over so that I can share them on my blog!


I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out where my motivation comes from. I am not sure if it is something that is inside of me or if it is something external. There are times when I will be feeling very motivated and then there are other times when I feel like all I want to do is give up. In the end, the difference between success and failure may come down to your ability as an individual but also to how you work with others who are in your life. It might sound cliché, but at the end of the day, it does take a village to raise one person. 
Achieving any goal takes hard work and determination but having people in your corner can make the journey much more rewarding.

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