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How to Find Motivation When You're Feeling Stuck-Motivation12channel Blog


Feeling stuck? Struggling to motivate yourself to start or finish anything? If that sounds like you, you aren’t alone, and luckily it doesn’t have to be that way. There are tons of things you can do to motivate yourself, even when your motivation seems nonexistent. Check out this guide on how to find motivation when you feel stuck so you can get back on the right track, no matter what life throws at you.

Clean your space

I've been feeling really unmotivated lately. I know it's not going to last, but when I don't have a sense of direction, things can get really tough. It's not always easy, but my strategy for getting motivated is as follows: 

1) Get rid of clutter - One thing that can be really de-motivating is the realization that you have no clean space in your house. This makes it hard to work on any project because you feel so cluttered and overwhelmed. 

2) Clean up the mess - Start by cleaning up the mess in your kitchen and dining area. This will make a huge difference in how clean the rest of your space feels, which will make you feel less cluttered and give you more motivation for work.

Put things into perspective

A lack of motivation could be caused by a number of things. It could be that you don't enjoy the work you do, or you don't see any point in continuing with your studies. On the other hand, it could be that you are not rewarding yourself for your accomplishments and this is why you feel like giving up on them. It may also be caused by a physical condition such as depression or stress and can last for days or weeks at a time. Whatever the cause, finding ways to motivate yourself will help prevent these periods from lasting too long and being detrimental to your progress in life. 

In order to find motivation, think about what it is that makes you happy and what motivates others around you.

Ask questions

Q1) What is motivation and what does it do for you? 

A1) Motivation is the thing that helps us feel like we can complete tasks and overcome obstacles. Q2) What are the sources of motivation? 

A2) Sources of motivation include our personal values, rewards and feedback, achievement, and intrinsic rewards. Q3) How do these sources work together? 

A3) Each of these sources have different effects on different people. Some people are motivated by external factors such as money or praise while others find their motivations in internal factors such as a sense of belonging or a sense of purpose. Q4) So how do I know which source works best for me?

Take action!

Motivation is the driving force that makes us take action. It's that feeling of excitement, eagerness and determination that pushes us to pursue our goals. In order to get motivated, you need a little push from outside sources such as friends and family or a motivational video. And if you want to stay motivated for work, study or exercise, it's important to find motivation from within too. Sometimes the motivation will be found in your surroundings and other times it'll be found deep inside of you by looking at what your goals are.

You're presumably depleted and it's probably you're feeling stuck, unmotivated or wore out. In any case, as you move into the Christmas season, utilize an opportunity to reflect, learn or quit doing what doesn't add an incentive for you. Additionally look for open doors to both give and get support inside your local area. These will stimulate you and put you on the way toward more prominent satisfaction later on. Calmly inhale, consider your present and be confident pretty much every one of the spots you'll go.



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