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The impact of negative beliefs on your life-Motivation12Channel blog

As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, you're

beliefs determine your thoughts. The latter determines them

turn your actions and therefore your effect on your environment, which ends

by reacting to you again. This is how you form your

reality. Subconsciously, you are always looking for confirmation of your

beliefs. If they are negative in nature, they will become more and more entrenched

deeper into you throughout your life, for you will live

endlessly the same negative experiences associated with your beliefs

negative. Accordingly, they will be confirmed and will become

well anchored. We can also talk here about the auto prophecy-


Imagine that you have been unexpectedly fired by

your employer. On the one hand, you may now think that you

are simply not good enough and have therefore been dismissed under a

any pretext. You are contrite, ashamed and afraid that your

entourage thinks you're a dud. If you are now trying to

applying for a new job, it will be rather slow because you

present with little self-confidence and you end up lowering

your criteria for a new job - the main thing is that you find it

one way or another. In the end, because of your beliefs

negatively, you may end up in a job that you don't

would certainly not consider as the one of your dreams and which, in

in the worst case, you will earn less than your previous job.

On the other hand, you can see the bright side of things. You have

may have been fired. But this does not mean that you are not good

and you are not a valuable employee. The most likely is that the company

is currently in a bad position and that she unfortunately had to

cutting jobs for this reason. In no case is it yours

fault. And this situation may eventually be an opportunity for

you! Now you have the opportunity to get a job again

better and better paid. Anyway, you will soon find

a good position. Instead of being ashamed of your resignation, be proactive

and reach out to your social and professional circles. Thanks to your

contacts, get advice on job offers and ask your

applications with confidence and assurance. Instead of putting yourself in

anger, you should use this situation to your advantage! You

will soon be able to sign the employment contract for your new and

good job.

In these two cases, it appears that your beliefs influence you

thought and therefore your actions. This confirms such beliefs as

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So it is extremely useful to replace your negative beliefs

by positive beliefs. You will have to show a lot of

patience, self-discipline, willpower and critical thinking, but this in

definitely worth it!

How you can use the phenomenon of the
self-fulfilling prophecy for yourself

These previous examples show how high your expectations

influence the actual results. You can take advantage of these


As you now know, the phenomenon of prophecy

self-realization works without much effort. If you believe in yourself

ability to achieve something, you increase your chances of doing it

do. On the other hand, if you are so afraid of a "catastrophe",

you attract him. In both cases, you behave according to

your expectations and your environment react to them. So you can

decide on the attitude to adopt in the face of a given situation.

Of course, it is a challenge to always believe in your own abilities and

in the achievement of its objectives. It is perfectly human to

start to doubt yourself from time to time. You will find here-

below are some tips on how to set expectations

positive and believes in it.

"It's good and important to have dreams. Hold on to

your dreams and desires and do not stop working for the

but also don't limit yourself to the successes that you have

already obtained, think big!

+ Ask yourself questions to help you formulate and

manifest your positive expectations. These questions could

be, for example :

o What do I want to achieve in the first place?

o What does my goal mean to me?

o What would I be willing to give for that?

° Always keep your goal in mind. If you have your

goal in mind, it will give you the motivation you need

need to act For example, if you constantly imagine

the way to go to reach it and the number of steps

additional steps to take, this can have a demotivating effect

about you. You lose sight of the goal and don't focus

only about the obstacles that stand in your way.

+ Be clear about what your end goal should look like.

For example, imagine that your goal is to make a cake.

You can't search for a recipe or buy

ingredients to prepare it as long as you don't know which

type of cake you want to make in the first place.

+ Take action! If you want to achieve something in

your life, you have to act There are always people who prefer

complaining about what is not going the way they want in

your life rather than acting. However, this does not lead anywhere.

Do not wait for the fulfillment of your desire to fly to

you one day: take it in hand!

+ Stay optimistic. The operation of self-prophecy-

director cannot be prevented if you maintain your

positive expectations.

Success can be blocked by wishful thinking

However, like the law of attraction, positive expectations

can also have the opposite effect of the prophecy

self-fulfilling. This effect occurs when wishful thinking

begin to get in the way of your goals. This theory, of which the

results are described below, is suggested by a study conducted

by psychologists Heather Kappes (New York University) and

Gabriele Oettingen (University of Hamburg).

The results of this study revealed that, for example, the result

from an examination can be negatively affected by positive fantasies.

This comes from the fact that too little effort is being made due to the

positive expectations. There is less energy left to take action if

all the energy is put into anticipation - as if the goal was

already achieved.

So even with the self-fulfilling prophecy, it depends on the

correct dose. Approach your challenges with a positive and full attitude

expectations. However, before you have actually achieved your goal,

you must not rest on your achievements.

"We are what we think. All that we are

follows from our thoughts. With our thoughts, we shape the world. »


Getting out of the vicious circle of the mental merry-go-round

People prone to the so-called "rumination" suffer

to keep repeating the same questions in their thoughts without

to be able to reach a conclusion. In fact, women have a more

great tendency to rumination than men. This pattern of thinking

which consists of ruminating incessantly has serious long-term consequences

term. This "carousel of thoughts" keeps in these states

undesirable people who are already prone to depressive moods. It

even happens that some people, contrary to their

intentions, can no longer express their emotions in a healthy way.

Typical questions are, for example, "What if..? », « How

could this have happened? ", "Why me? ", "What do others think of

me? ».

Although you can never completely stop your

thoughts, there are things you can do to slow them down, the

reduce and turn them into positive thoughts. The thought itself

is also not the problem, because that's what our brain is for

fact. It becomes problematic and excessively stressful when there

has too many different thoughts at the same time, when your thoughts don't

revolve only around negative topics and when they move from a topic

on the other too quickly. Grinding black consumes your body and your


How the mental merry-go-round gets started

To free yourself from a negative thought loop, you need to

first understand how you got into it. There are people who have

tend to get lost in their circular thoughts more than others.

According to the researchers, some personality traits are surprising

common to people prone to this kind of thinking pattern. It

these are, for example, perfectionists or neurotics, but also

people who are too, almost excessively, focused on

their relationships with others. When problems arise,

our mind wants to be there immediately with solutions and

communicates with us through our thoughts so that we

may we manage in the world. In the long run, however, and

en masse, these well-intentioned tips become a burden.

This habit of rumination can have consequences

important for the people concerned. Unlike those who

think according to the problems and focus on a

solution, people prone to rumination have few opportunities

to use their thoughts productively. Once caught in the

spiral of thought, they have a propensity for self-criticism

excessive and thoughtless. These negative thought patterns exert a

huge stress, because people who grind black release a lot

more cortisol, the stress hormone. In the long run, this can make the

affected people sick and unable to work exhaustion.

This is a classic example of a stress-related illness.

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