Blog entirely for Psychology, Motivation and Positive Thinking.



THE LAW OF ATTRACTION-Motivation12Channel blog

In the brain, positive thoughts have a different frequency from

that of negative thoughts. Similar frequencies attract each other

mutually, which means that if you have positive thoughts,

you "attract" more positive thoughts. It is the same

when you often have negative thoughts - you attract

more negative thoughts. The "law of attraction" is also

based on this theory.

The law of attraction, or law of resonance, states, according to the literature

self-help and life coaching, that the like attract the

similar. It is based on the inner attitude of a person.

This attitude affects external circumstances. This analogy

between the outside world and the inside world is used by trying

to cause an analogous change in said circumstances in the

desired meaning by adjusting one's personal attitude to

certain external circumstances. Therefore, every thought

positive or negative generates certain feelings and "vibrations". That-

these are transferred from the person who generates them - consciously or

unconsciously - to the outside world and cause effects there

correspond. To summarize simply, this principle of analogy

states that positive thoughts and attitudes attract positivity.

Therefore, negative thoughts attract the negative.

Originally, the term "law of attraction" appeared in 1877 in a

book by the occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and has since been taken up and

used by other authors. In 2006, the release of the film and the book "The

Secret" by Rhonda Byrne gave this theory a new

popularity. Today, many success coaching and

life coachings are based on this concept.


However, many critical voices are also rising

against the sometimes radically simplified formula of coaching of

modern success. So you should be aware that your wishes do not

will not all be fully realized if you just

wishing very hard. Taking responsibility and acting on your own is

therefore essential to achieve its objectives. Given that the law of

attraction is about a change of perspective and consciousness

at the start and a change of situation afterwards, this fact alone can

train a lot of positive things in a person. If you

have formulated very precisely what you want, the steps to follow

to achieve your goals are usually clearer to you.

You are automatically more motivated and have your goal

constantly in mind, which is essential to achieve it.

However, the principle of cause and effect does not also apply

easily to the theory of the law of attraction. For example, imagine

that you are about to ask for a raise from your

upper. If you imagine in advance how happy you are

of your approved salary increase, this may have an effect

extremely positive about you and your charisma. You will appear more

confident, open and friendly to your manager. This has an impact on

your counterpart and can allow you to get the raise.

However, there is no way to prove that the law of attraction or

other psychological effects worked in this case. In addition, the law

attraction is not a "law" in the proper sense of the term. You must

so take this term with tweezers.

However, the visualization of the already achieved goal, which is very

important for the law of attraction, can also have the effect

reverse in some situations. According to psychologists, the brain

believes that you have already achieved your goal. Thus, you feel

less motivated to do something to achieve it.

Another problem related to the demonstration of the law of attraction is

that usually no one talks about it when it doesn't work.

The media will not talk about a person who is firmly convinced of

the law of attraction but who has not had success with it until

present. In addition, no one mentions the law of attraction when

tragedies happen. We won't tell a cancer patient that he has

attracted the disease by having too many negative thoughts.

In summary, having a positive attitude before, for example, a

presentation, will help you to be more relaxed and more self-confident. This

will also allow you to have a positive impact on your audience and,

in the end, you will probably be more successful than with an attitude

negative. Positive thinking allows you to face challenges and

believe in their successes and, most importantly, in yourself. Even if people

around you do not believe in the success of a particular project, a

positive attitude will help you to overcome their doubts and to

give the necessary confidence to carry it out However, there is no

no way to prove that it was the law of attraction that helped you to

achieve your goals. It could be detrimental to you to over-

rely on this "law", because it will not do the job for you.

However, your environment reacts to the signals that you

send, consciously or unconsciously, and you can in

take advantage.

In this context, the phenomenon of the "self-fulfilling prophecy

", which has been the subject of psychological and sociological research

in-depth, is explained below.


The concept, or psychological phenomenon, of "self-prophecy-

director" was mentioned by Otto Neurath as early as 1911 and developed

by the sociologist Robert K. Merton in 1948.

A self-fulfilling prophecy means that a prediction leads to

herself her realization. So, when you receive information

about a possible future, that you expect a certain

behavior or result, it exerts a significant influence on the

fact that this expectation will happen.

The counterpart of the self-fulfilling prophecy is the prophecy

self-destructive. This opposite effect occurs when the own

actions of a person cause an event or a result to

does not happen.

When you think about what some people think about

you, it influences the way you act towards them, Your

attitude then, in turn, has an impact on the idea they have of you,

which finally confirms your initial expectation. Your point of view

is then comforted by it. These deeply held convictions are

called "beliefs".

Beliefs are mainly about the image you have of

yourself and that of the outside world They have an influence

considerable on your perception of reality. The interpretation or

the evaluation that you assign to an event depends on your

beliefs. In addition to your thoughts, they also determine your actions.

But in reality they are mainly found in your


That is why it is very important to be aware of your

beliefs and to transform negative beliefs into beliefs


As this concept is quite abstract, you will first find here-

below are some illustrative examples of the self-fulfilling prophecy

in general.

The Pygmalion effect

The study conducted by American psychologists Robert Rosenthal and

Lenore Jacobson established the so-called "Pygmalion effect".

In the 1960s, Rosenthal and Jacobson carried out this study

in an American elementary school. To this end, they have chosen some

students at random and affirmed in front of the teachers, after a test

of simulated intelligence, that we could expect great

improvements in their performance in the near future, as these

private students were very gifted. A test carried out after one year has

showed that these students had actually increased their

performance significantly compared to the group of


Teachers' expectations influenced their behavior

towards the selected students. Due to congratulations and

more frequent observations and of greater patience to their

however, the students improved their results. Thus, the prophecy of the

it came true.

The risk of accidents in the elderly

As described earlier, the self-fulfilling prophecy can

also lead to negative results, as shown by a

study of the British Medical Journey.

Thus, researchers have found that older people who

were very anxious about a possible fall were many

more likely to suffer such an accident than other people

older people less concerned about such an eventuality.

The financial crisis

When a rumor is circulating that a bank is risking

insolvency, a large number of its clients can withdraw their

money from this bank. This can indeed plunge the bank into a

financial crisis. The more credible the source of the rumor, the more the

customer behavior is likely.

The fear of failure

If you have an important test to take and you approach it with

negative expectations of you, it is very likely that they will

realize. Due to the unconscious influence of this prophecy, the

probability that you will do badly increases significantly,

because your behavior changes accordingly.

The placebo effect and the nocebo effect

The most well-known form of self-fulfilling prophecy is

probably the placebo effect in medicine. The term "placebo"

refers to certain preparations, for example tablets, which are

completely free of any medically effective ingredients. In fact,

if a patient has positive expectations, for example, the relief of the

pain may occur after taking the placebo or the drug

placebo. Placebo drugs are specifically used in the

clinical research to serve as a control substance in the

study. The effectiveness of homeopathy and other medical procedures

this can also be attributed to the placebo effect.

The nocebo effect is analogous to the placebo effect. The knowledge of

possible harmful effects, for example, from drug treatment

which it is believed to follow can actually lead to a worsening of the condition of the

patient. For example, if a person reads the side effects

of a medicine on the package insert and takes this

medication expecting to have to undergo some of these effects

however, it is more likely that this will happen.

The search can also be strongly influenced by the mode

of action of the self-fulfilling prophecy. To counteract this, "

double-blind studies" are usually conducted. These studies

are based on the principle that neither the researchers nor the participants

know who, among the participants, is part of the test group or the

control group. This makes it possible to avoid that behaviors

unconscious do not distort the results of the study.

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