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Why Do People Develop Negative Thoughts? It All Starts With the Brain-Motivation12channel.

People can have negative thoughts from time to time, but some people suffer from constant negative thoughts, and these thoughts can make them feel miserable, disappointed, and even depressed. This condition is often called a negative thinking pattern or automatic negative thoughts (also known as cognitive distortions). The truth is that there are ways to stop this pattern from occurring and it all starts with understanding the brain patterns that cause it. The following article will help you understand the process that your brain goes through when you develop automatic negative thoughts to deal with them more effectively in the future.

What Happens in Your Brain When You Think Negatively?

Negative thoughts are common. They happen to all of us. But why do people develop them in the first place? When you think negatively, your brain generates different chemicals than when you think positively. The more negative thoughts you think, the more your brain gets used to these chemicals being released and they can become a habit that is hard to break. As if this wasn't enough, the brains of depressed people have been found to have shrunken areas. Depression makes you feel like life isn't worth living. When you're feeling depressed, it's harder for your brain to produce dopamine, which helps with moods as well as a bunch of other things such as motivation and social skills. If someone feels low on dopamine for too long, then depression sets in, which makes it even harder for their brain to produce dopamine. One way of increasing production would be through antidepressant medication, but this takes time and often does not work on its own - some patients need therapy too! Luckily, there are many things we can do now so that our minds stay healthy!

What Are Affirmations and How Can They Help?

Affirmations are positive statements about yourself, your life, and your goals that you repeat to yourself. Affirmations work because they help you reprogram your brain. When you repeat a positive statement about yourself or what you want in life, it causes your brain to release chemicals that make you feel good. This creates a feedback loop where feeling good encourages you to continue repeating what makes you feel good. The more times this feedback loop happens, the more likely it is that the affirmation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and starts creating a new reality for you. One of the most powerful ways to use affirmations is through visualization. To do this, imagine as if whatever you’re affirming has already happened and focus on how it would make you feel. For example, I’m healthy can be transformed into Every day I wake up and I know that I am completely healthy in body and mind. Today feels amazing!

If I Affirm Myself, Will I Go Crazy?

Many people avoid affirmations because they are afraid that if they affirm themselves, their brains will start to feed them negative thoughts. In reality, this is not true. Affirmations actually help balance your brain and make it less susceptible to negative thoughts. The more you do affirmations, the better you will feel and the happier you will become. Start a blog post with an affirmation such as I love myself and then write about what makes you feel good or why you love yourself.

10 Tips To Use Affirmations Effectively

Affirmations are a powerful tool for changing our thoughts and attracting what we want in life. They can be used to boost our confidence, create a positive outlook, and minimize stress. However, affirmations will not work if we are not using them correctly. Here are 10 tips for using affirmations effectively: 

1) Speak your affirmation out loud. Affirmations need to be audible in order for the brain to process them correctly. Speaking an affirmation aloud has been shown to increase productivity, generate happiness and improve concentration levels. 

2) Write it down in the present tense as if it has already happened. Affirmations need to be written or spoken as if they have already occurred so that the brain believes it is true. If you write I am happy as I will be happy, then your brain recognizes this sentence as something you hope will happen but isn't yet real. By writing I am happy in the present tense, you're telling yourself that you already are happy and this thought becomes much more powerful. 

3) Repeat it twice daily for at least two weeks before moving on to another one. Just like other new habits, repetition makes all the difference when it comes to affirmations! The best way to do this is by repeating the same affirmation first thing in the morning and again at night before bedtime-but choose one time of day that works best for you depending on when you feel most stressed or most confident. There's no need to repeat it any more than once per day because the brain needs at least two weeks of repeated exposure before accepting anything as truth. 

4) Keep track of your progress. After completing a round of affirmations, keep track of how many negative thoughts you've had during that period. Then set a goal to beat those numbers the next time around! 5) Be specific with your affirmation. When making affirmations about our own traits or qualities, make sure they are particular and personal-otherwise, it won't really work. For example, don't say I'm healthy when there are lots of factors involved in being healthy such as diet, exercise, etc. A better affirmation would be I have plenty of energy and vitality. 

6) Add images to reinforce the message. Adding images such as smiling faces on cards may help us believe our affirmations even more. Pictures also strengthen memories which can support the messages we are trying to convey through affirmations. 

7) Replace never with not yet. The word never sets up an expectation for failure because it tells the mind that whatever follows never could happen and so might as well give up right now. Instead, use not yet to focus on what hasn't happened instead of what couldn't happen and hold onto hope that things will change. For example, instead of saying I'll never be able to run a mile, try substituting I haven't been able to run a mile. 

8) Rewrite negative statements in the third person. If you struggle to find a good affirmation for a particular situation, it might be helpful to rewrite the negative statement in the third person. This helps you put some distance between your feelings and what you are experiencing. 

9) Include how you will know it's working. Saying I love myself over and over without giving a reason why will likely not lead to any significant changes in your mood. To get the most out of affirmations, include the phrase because after each affirmation, let your brain know that these are believable truths. For instance, I love myself because I am successful. 

10) Remember that you are constantly evolving and that affirmations should evolve as well.


People with depression need to start taking care of themselves, and that includes their mental health. There are many things they can do to help themselves feel better, including getting a professional opinion on how to go about managing their symptoms. Some people may also benefit from medications like anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. There are many therapists out there who specialize in working with people who have depression and anxiety, so talking with one of them could be helpful as well. 

If you're feeling depressed or anxious, then you should know that it's not your fault and there is nothing wrong with you. You deserve to take care of yourself, just like anyone else does.

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