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How People View Psychologists: The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy


How do people view psychologists? You’ve probably heard the good, the bad, and the crazy about this profession—it’s not always an easy job to be in, especially when it comes to encountering people who are less than pleased with your services. However, despite how some people view us as hucksters (not all of us!), there’s no denying that we make positive impacts on our clients' lives every day; it’s why we go into this field in the first place.

What you think they do

Psychology is a field of study that delves into the human mind. They aim to understand why people do what they do. It's an interesting profession that I'm sure most people have an opinion about. There are three types of opinions people have about psychologists. Some view them as the good guys who try to help us fix our problems and lead happy lives. Then there are those who think they're crazy because of their job description (I mean, when you think about it, psychology is all in your head). Lastly, there are those who view psychologists as evil just because they work in the mental health field. That one makes me laugh because we're not out here trying to take over the world or anything like that. We are actually trying to help people make sense of life and find peace within themselves.

Why people don’t trust them?

Psychologists are often painted as the bad guys in movies; we're the ones trying to convince patients that their loved ones aren't real or that they need to be committed for crimes they haven't committed. It's easy to see why people might have a negative view of psychologists when the media portrays us like this. 

Psychology is a complicated field with many different schools of thought; some use talk therapy while others prefer medication. There's no one size fits all approach to treating mental health issues so it can be hard for people who don't know much about psychology to know where they stand on certain topics.

What do They Really Do?

Psychologists are the people who help you think about your thoughts. They help people like you and me to figure out why we do what we do. What's more, they're also trying to understand why other people behave the way that they do. It's a complicated job but it doesn't have to be complicated for you! Here are four ways to make sure you get the most out of your session with your psychologist: 1) Be honest. Your psychologist wants to hear how you really feel and not just the good stuff. 2) Make sure there's nothing else going on in your life right now. If there is something going on in your life (like a death or divorce), then find someone else--just don't use psychology as an escape from reality! 3) Remember, this person is trained to deal with people like us so just try to relax and let him or her take care of things. 4) Try not to beat yourself up about what happened before if you can avoid it--it won't do anyone any good at this point (except maybe anger yourself).

Mistakes That Scare Them Off

One mistake that scares potential clients away is not being honest about their qualifications. There are plenty of people who call themselves psychologists or life coaches when they have never completed a course in the subject. Clients are often concerned with the credibility of a psychologist when they find out that this person has no degree in psychology and has only read books or watched videos on the subject. Potential clients may also feel as if they cannot trust this professional if there was no degree to back up their claims.

Another mistake some psychologists make is not being willing to work with all types of people. These professionals should be understanding enough to realize that everyone is different and should be treated accordingly. Sometimes someone might need one-on-one therapy while another client might need group therapy sessions. A third mistake is when they charge too much money for services that could easily be affordable elsewhere. For example, one therapist might charge $250 per hour while another charges $25 per hour for the same services; most people would not think twice about going to the cheaper therapist for these reasons even though both therapists offer good services.

Things You Should Avoid Saying to A Therapist

1. I'm not crazy.

2. You're just a psychiatrist. 

3. I don't need you because I'm better now. 

4. Are you prescribing me something? 

5. Am I normal? 

6. How do I know if my therapist is good? 

7. Is there a cure for mental health problems? 8. Will this ever end? 

9. Do you see any hope in the future?

10. What's wrong with me?

11. Why am I like this?


Psychology is a growing field. More people are turning to psychologists for help with their mental health, which is a good thing. But the bad news is that psychologists can be viewed negatively and stereotyped as weirdoes or crazy people who want to delve into your personal life. As long as you get the right psychologist, your experience should be positive. Some of these negative views may also come from a lack of knowledge about what it means to be a psychologist. I hope this post has been helpful in shedding some light on the stereotypes surrounding psychology!

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