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Why Do We Need Psychology?Motivation12channel.


A lot of people think psychology has nothing to do with their everyday life. However, there are many different aspects of psychology and it is important to understand each one, especially in today’s world where everything that we do and say can be put on the internet or seen by someone else through social media. Understanding the psychology behind how people act, think, and feel help us all to become more aware of ourselves and others, and better deal with day-to-day stressors and other issues like anxiety and depression. Here are the ways that psychology affects everyone in their everyday lives.

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental processes. It focuses on how people think, act, feel, and perceive things. The field of psychology is both diverse and complex. There are many different types of psychology professionals, including clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, social psychologists, developmental psychologists, and school psychologists. All these professionals focus on a variety of areas like treating mental health problems or understanding why children behave the way they do at school. They work in a variety of settings like hospitals or schools to help people who need it most. They also research topics that impact society as a whole like discrimination or gender differences in math performance. Clinical psychologists typically work with patients to treat mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Counseling psychologists typically work with people who want to change something about themselves like their eating habits. Social psychologists generally focus on examining what affects groups and societies. Developmental psychologists specialize in learning about changes across an individual’s lifespan, such as puberty and aging. School psychologists typically provide support for students by helping them learn and grow emotionally while they attend school. 

Psychology has changed the world! People understand themselves better than ever before, which has allowed them to have better relationships with others while feeling more fulfilled within themselves!

What can it do for us in our everyday lives?

Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. It can help us understand why we do the things that we do, how to solve emotional problems, and what makes relationships work. In everyday life, psychologists may provide therapy for people who need it or for those who are interested in improving their personal lives. They might also research the causes of certain behaviors in order to find better treatments for them.

Psychology is sometimes seen as a field only for crazy people, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Psychologists are often employed by large companies to improve employees' performance or to make sure workplaces remain safe and comfortable for all workers. They might consult with law enforcement agencies about cases where someone has gone missing. Or they might be called in to interview witnesses after an event like a car accident or violent crime. Psychologists can use their knowledge of human behavior to evaluate whether suspects are telling the truth and whether witnesses remember anything correctly. Some employers ask candidates for jobs if they have studied psychology and others say they want applicants who have degrees in psychology fields like social work, counseling, sociology, medicine, or criminal justice.

Psychology is not just for helping people- it can benefit society at large!

Positive Psychology

Positive psychologists believe that what people think or say affects how they feel; therefore if you change your thinking you will change your feelings which will lead to changes in behavior. This is called the positive cycle. Positive psychologists also suggest using gratitude journals where we write three things each day for which we are grateful. They do this because they feel it increases happiness and decreases depression. Studies have shown that individuals who keep a gratitude journal report more daily happiness and less anxiety than those who don't. The other key thing about psychology is understanding why we behave the way we do so that we can make changes. Psychologists use scientific research to try to figure out why a person might be depressed, anxious, lonely, etc. And then use their knowledge of psychology (and other subjects) to try to help them solve these issues so they can be happier with them.

Negative Psychology

One of the most common misconceptions about psychology is that it's a field that only deals with mental health. This couldn't be further from the truth, because a large portion of what we study and practice of psychology isn't just mental health; its positive psychology. 

One way this type of research can be used for good is to help people who are struggling to find what does work for them by studying successful individuals. For example, one recent study found out that success is related to how you view yourself. They conducted two studies in order to reach this conclusion: they asked participants if they agreed or disagreed with statements such as I feel I'm as competent as other people and I feel I'm a person of worth. These findings were then compared to their employment status (e.g., unemployed versus employed). The results showed that those who felt more self-competent were more likely to be employed than those who didn't—and feel like your life has meaning was also linked to being employed.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

For example, if someone has a fear of dogs after being bitten as a child, they may make themselves anxious just by thinking about this incident. Thoughts such as I'm going to be attacked again! Or There's nothing I can do! This will cause them to experience more fear and anxiety when faced with their fear of dogs. In order to overcome the fear, the individual would need to go through a process called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps people change how they think about their experiences and what those thoughts mean for them in the present moment, which in turn can help change how they feel and behave.


We need psychology because it helps us understand the complexities of human nature. It gives us an understanding of how we think and feels about different things and different types of people. It also helps us to understand why we do the things that we do. In other words, it helps us to understand ourselves better and therefore has a better understanding of those around us.

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