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5 Types of Attraction That Can Change Your Life-Motivation12channel.

5 Types of Attractions That Can Change Your Life

All of us are subject to the law of attraction, whether we realize it or not. If you’re not familiar with the law of attraction, it’s pretty simple. It states that like attracts like; in other words, your thoughts and actions will attract more of what you think and do—and less of what you don’t. If you can grasp how to utilize the law of attraction to attract things into your life that you want, instead of things that you don’t, then you can bring incredible changes into your life. Here are five types of attractions that can make this possible...

1) The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the idea that if you want something, then you should make it happen. This can mean many things, but for the most part, it means you need to start taking action in order to get what you want. But what are the 5 types of attraction? 

1) Visual - this is when someone sees a particular item or person and they want it. 

2) Auditory - this is when people hear a certain song or sound and they become attracted to it. 

3) Kinesthetic - when people feel an intense emotion or physical sensation and they can't control themselves. 

4) Olfactory - this is where people smell something and they become attracted to it because their nose tells them that it smells good. And lastly, 5) Gustatory - this is where people taste something and they like it because their tongue tells them that it tastes good. These five types of attraction are what can change your life!

2) The Power of Visualization

The power of visualization is one way to attract what you want in life. When you visualize something, it becomes easier for your subconscious mind to find a way to make it happen. You can use visualization in many ways: To improve your performance, manifest the car or house you've been dreaming of, or reach goals that feel out-of-reach. Manifestation with respect to outer material things can be quick and relatively easy because it doesn't require a complete transformation on the part of the individual (unlike the expression of relationships). It is more about using what's already there. In other words, a person who wants more money doesn't have to get rid of all their clothes and live in poverty - they just need to start making wiser financial decisions. What are the 5 types of attraction?

3) The Law of Substitution

The Law of Substitution is one of the most powerful laws in the Universe. It states that if a person tries to attract something by using an old belief system, they will be attracted to what they are giving their attention and energy to. This can be bad or good depending on what you're seeking, but it's important to know about this law so you can make sure you're using your power for positive change in your life. 

This law comes into play when we stop trying to focus on what we don't want and instead focus on attracting what we do want. You might not know exactly how it's going to happen or when it's going to happen, but that doesn't matter as long as you have faith in yourself and the Universe. Have faith in yourself and know that anything is possible! What are the 5 types of attraction? Let's find out!

4) The Law of Practice

What are the 5 types of attraction? The Law of Practice is the law that states that whatever you focus on, you will attract more of it. In other words, you can't attract what you want if your thoughts are focused on what you don't want. What attracts us to others? Physical attraction is the most obvious example, but it goes way beyond physical appearance. There are many types: emotional and mental, spiritual and religious, intellectual, social, and cultural. Each person has a different type of attraction based on their life experiences. For instance, someone who lost a parent in childhood may be attracted to people with similar backgrounds because they identify with them. People often overlook these important factors when dating or even looking for friends because they are so caught up in what they see as the perfect person. It's important not only to look for similarities in interests, personality traits, and background but also what type of attraction you might have for one another.

5) The Law of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that will help you attract what you want into your life. By practicing forgiveness and releasing the past, you’ll be able to focus on your present moment and the things that you want in your future. It can take time to learn how to forgive, but it’s worth the effort because there are many benefits associated with forgiveness. The first step is to forgive yourself for any mistakes or wrongdoings that you may have committed in the past. Then try forgiving others who may have hurt you or done something wrong against you. Start small if necessary and work on forgiving one person at a time until eventually, letting go of other grievances as they arise in your life is easier. What are the 5 types of attraction?


In order for you to realize your desired manifestation, it is important that you know what attracts the things you want into your life. There are five types of attraction: 1) Conscious attraction is the result when the law of attraction is recognized and applied consciously, through detailed focus and constant repetition. 2) Human Emotion - Anything that moves our emotions or forces us to use up any energy will draw more energy towards us. 3) Collective Consciousness - This includes everything in the universe which can be understood as some type of mind, including humans and animals. 4) Purity - When we are 100% motivated by good intentions for all parties involved in our motivation, then purity is all that can be attracted. 5) Luck - Sometimes luck is just what happens when you put a lot of work and effort into something but aren't aware that's what you're doing.

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