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How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?Motivation12channel

How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?

Getting rid of negative thoughts can be difficult, but it’s possible if you approach it from the right angle. Keep in mind that we all have negative thoughts throughout our lives, and we’re not judged by them. What truly matters are your actions. You can choose to act on your negative thoughts or let them go after you recognize that they aren’t true and don’t serve you well in any way, shape, or form. If you have trouble letting go of negative thoughts, try these simple tips to get rid of bad thoughts in your life once and for all!

Identify the source

Negative thoughts are the bane of our existence. They can creep up on us at any time and get stuck in our heads, usually when we least expect them. It's hard to think rationally when you're constantly bombarded with negative thoughts, but it's possible to combat them. Try these steps for how to get rid of bad thoughts: 

1) Write down your negative thought 

2) Analyze it - where did the thought come from? 

3) Realize that it's not a fact - but just a thought 

4) Replace the negative thought with a positive one 

5) Practice mindfulness meditation - meditating will help center you in the present moment so that your mind isn't wandering to past regrets or future worries. Meditation also helps focus your attention on how this present moment feels so you don't spend too much time thinking about what could go wrong or what has already gone wrong. A guided meditation might be helpful for those who need some guidance getting started! 6) Create an affirmation list- it might sound silly, but writing out affirmations helps to remind yourself how awesome you are! Be sure to keep this list somewhere close by like by your bedside or on your desk so that when you feel like negativity is creeping back in, grab one of these affirmations and repeat it over and over again until those pesky thoughts start feeling better.

Reframe your thinking

It can be difficult to get rid of negative thoughts, but there are a few ways you can reframe your thinking. Reframing your thinking is as simple as changing the way you think about a situation or event. Here are some examples: 

-Instead of thinking, I messed up, try thinking, It's okay that I messed up. 

-Instead of saying, I'm not good at this, try saying, This will take time. 

-Instead of saying, I'm ugly, try saying, My features make what me beautiful. 

Changing the way you think will make it easier for those thoughts to go away. Some people find it helpful to create their own affirmation and repeat it when they're feeling down. For example, if someone feels like they're ugly then they could say, I am beautiful. The repetition of these affirmations makes them more believable, which leads to fewer bad thoughts in general. There are also plenty of other tricks such as exercise and eating well that have been shown to help with decreasing bad thoughts too!

Challenge your beliefs

Negative thoughts can be tricky, especially if you don’t know how to get rid of them. It might seem like you have no control over your thoughts or the things that come into your head. But it's important not to let those thoughts take over and define who you are. Here are some ways you can deal with negative thoughts -Challenge your beliefs: What is the evidence for this thought? Does it really apply in this situation? Do I think this way all the time? 

-Watch your self-talk: Notice when you're having a thought and say stop. Think about what led up to these thoughts. Is there anything else going on? 

-See the big picture: Find something in the environment that you enjoy looking at or listening to, something that makes you feel peaceful, and focus on that instead of whatever had been upsetting you before. 

-Be compassionate with yourself: When we have bad thoughts about ourselves, we should treat ourselves as kindly as possible. Take deep breaths when stressed out so you can calm down before doing anything rash or regretful.

Practice gratitude

There are many ways to practice gratitude and some will work better for you than others. The simplest way is by taking a few minutes every day and thinking about three things you are grateful for. When it comes down to it, we are all lucky enough to have something in our lives that we can be thankful for no matter how big or small. One simple way is by practicing gratitude every day--even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Think about the good things you have going on in your life. They could be as simple as I am grateful for my health or I am glad I got an A on my test. You could also think about the progress you've made towards your goals, how much time you spend with family and friends, and how many new memories were created today. These are all great sources of gratitude!

Visualize success

It can be difficult to change our thoughts about ourselves, but it's not impossible. There are many ways that we can start changing the way we think about ourselves. It might take some time, but it will be worth it. Here are some steps that you can take today to start feeling better about yourself and get rid of those bad thoughts: - Start by making a list of what you like about yourself and what your best qualities are. - Think about how you would talk to a friend who was struggling with self-confidence or negative thoughts. What would you say? Try saying those things aloud every day. - Think back to a time when you felt really confident or accomplished and remember what made you feel so good at that moment? Can you replicate those feelings somehow? For example, if you were running laps around the field during track practice, how did you feel while running? Or if you were playing with friends at recess before school started, how did you feel then? Situations where you felt successful or happy give us clues into how we should behave when having negative thoughts about ourselves. So next time one of those thoughts pops up in your head, do something that makes your body happy!


Negative thoughts are like weeds. You can try and ignore them, but they'll grow back. The best way to get rid of bad thoughts is by pulling them out by the root. When you notice a negative thought, stop it immediately and replace it with a positive one. This will help you break your cycle of negativity and start living a more positive life. Here's how to get rid of negative thoughts:

-Become mindful. Be aware of when you have a bad thought so that you can react quickly and replace it before things escalate. Pay attention to what triggers your negative thinking so that you know how to avoid them in the future. 

-Create affirmations for yourself or mantras that give you hope when things seem tough. I am strong. I can do this. 

-Don't put pressure on yourself when setting goals or expectations. Give yourself time and let patience be your guide instead of rushing through everything at once or stressing over getting something perfect right away.

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