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How to Create Motivation and Mastery in Your Life?Motivation12channel.

 How to Create Motivation and Mastery in Your Life?

Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Do you lack the motivation to start or complete tasks? If so, then this article is definitely for you! In it, I’ll share some of my favorite motivational tools and techniques to help you achieve your goals and create a more rewarding life. Follow along, and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming the best version of yourself!

Define what you want

We all have dreams, and we all want to be happy, but how do we get there? First, it is important that you know where your motivation meets your mastery. What are you good at? Do you know what makes you happy? If not, take the time to explore these questions. Once you know what motivates you and what you are good at, then begin working towards those goals. It doesn't matter if it takes a few years or even a few decades; as long as you keep moving forward every day, eventually, one day will come when your life is exactly where it needs to be. You may never reach the finish line, but that's okay because true happiness comes from the process of achieving your goal, not just from reaching it.

Set realistic goals

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of a dream life where you have tons of time, money, and resources. But that's not reality. To be motivated you need realistic goals - something attainable that will help you on your journey toward mastery. Here are some things to consider when setting your goals: 

1) Make sure it is aligned with who you are as an individual; 2) Make sure it isn't too big or too small; 3) Be specific about what the goal entails; 4) Be mindful of your current priorities and how this goal might affect them. 

To start off, try setting one goal for yourself for the next month. It doesn't have to be anything huge - maybe just getting started on making your bed every day. When you're finished with that, then set another goal for yourself. That way you can work on where motivation meets mastery!

Get rid of distractions

We all know that distractions can easily derail our goals, but it's not always easy to find the motivation to get rid of them. That's why I've compiled a list of tips for how you can move past these hurdles. 

-Identify what is distracting you. -Figure out where motivation meets mastery. -Be creative when solving a problem, don't just look for one answer. -Learn from your mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. -Remember the benefits of completing your task or goal and visualize what success will look like for you. -Incorporate positive affirmations into your day by writing them down on sticky notes. Put up 3-5 every morning and then take 5 minutes at night to read through them. A great example is I am disciplined. -Do some physical activity every day as this helps relieve stress which often leads to a lack of motivation and gives us a sense of accomplishment which often leads to increased motivation.

Take small steps

Often, the biggest mistake we can make is trying to tackle a huge project all at once. The idea of working on something for years without making any headway is daunting. In order to combat this, take small steps toward your goal. For example, if you want to get into shape but have never exercised before, don't try to start running ten miles a day; instead, set goals that are reasonable for your current fitness level (e.g., walking around the block or starting off with just one push-up). This will help maintain motivation and provide a sense of progress as you work towards mastery. Even if it doesn't feel like much, each step you take will bring you closer to your goal.

Reward yourself

You've started your journey toward mastery. You've taken the first step. But you can't stop there. The work is hard, but it's worth it. So reward yourself for a job well done. It doesn't need to be big or expensive- just something that feels good and makes you feel like you're getting closer to your goal. And don't underestimate this feeling of accomplishment- even small rewards will make a huge difference in maintaining motivation. 

A tasty dessert after dinner? A long, hot shower? Watching a funny show? Whatever it is, make sure you find what works best for you so that you can keep moving forward on your journey!


Start by writing down the things that motivate you. What lights your fire? What gets you excited? What do you love doing? Do the things that motivate you, every day if possible. It's a lot easier than thinking up something new all the time. Next, write down your goals- not just what they are but why they are important to you. Why is it worth it to put in the work now to get where you want to be? Then, take a look at where motivation meets mastery: how can your strengths help meet your goals or how can your weaknesses get in your way of achieving them? And finally, what does mastery mean for you? That might change over time as your life changes and grows with you. Keep asking yourself this question: Where does my motivation meet my mastery?

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