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When motivation runs out: 4 tips to keep going?Motivation12channel.

 When motivation runs out: 4 tips to keep going?

Motivation is often fleeting, which makes it difficult to maintain consistency in your goals. The good news? You don’t need the motivation to make progress toward your goals – you just need to find productive ways to keep going even when you’re not in the mood. Here are 4 ways to overcome a lack of motivation and make progress toward your goals, even when motivation runs out.

1) Define your why

Motivation is a tricky thing. Sometimes, no matter what you do, it just won't come. You might think that this means it's time for you to give up on your goals entirely. However, what if I told you that there are a few simple things you can do that will help motivate you again? It doesn't happen overnight, but with some patience and persistence, these four tips should get you back on track.

1) Make an action plan- Every day has its ups and downs, so don't be too hard on yourself when the low points come around. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself about how unmotivated you feel, try making a plan for the day ahead of time. Maybe you'll go for a walk or cook dinner from scratch instead of ordering in. Maybe you'll read more than one chapter before bedtime. Write down five small steps and take them one at a time, because each step gets closer to where you want to be in the long run.

2) Set mini-goals- When we set our sights too high, we often end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when we fail to reach our lofty ambitions right away. But setting smaller goals will keep us encouraged as we work towards achieving them. 

Continuation (six+ sentences using the words: When motivation runs out, how do you keep going): For example, let's say you want to work towards earning six figures in income by 2020.

2) Set small goals

1. Set small goals Make sure that your goals are manageable and specific. Smaller goals make it easier to see the steps you need to take in order for them to happen, which can help motivate you. For example, instead of saying I want a better job, try specifying what kind of job you would like and how much money you want as a salary.

2. Get organized If there's something holding you back from achieving your goal, organize your thoughts and get rid of distractions so that they don't affect your progress later on down the line. 3. Keep up with social media Social media is a great way to stay connected with people who have similar interests and find new ones too! You'll also be able to access articles that inspire and provide helpful advice about how to stay motivated. Lastly, sites like Instagram and Facebook often contain motivating quotes or funny memes, making social media an excellent resource when your motivation runs out. 

Acknowledge setbacks Acknowledge any setback you've had recently and think about how you could avoid repeating those mistakes in the future. Write down some strategies or techniques that helped motivate you before so you'll have them ready if they're needed again in the future.

3) Take it one day at a time

It's okay if you feel like you can't do anything. You might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but remember it is there and that you are moving toward it. Take it one day at a time and do what you can each day. Reach out for support when needed and don't forget to take care of yourself too. Get up and move around, even if it is just for five minutes or so. Allow yourself permission to rest; everyone needs sleep (even you). Get outside or in front of your favorite tv show or movie--whatever helps relax you! And most importantly, know that feeling frustrated or unmotivated will happen sometimes but tomorrow will be better than today.

4) Find your support system

One of the most important aspects of staying motivated is finding your support system. Whether it be friends, family, or even a pet, it's important that you have someone who can help you through difficult times. If you find yourself struggling with motivation and need some help staying on task, get in touch with your support system. They will be able to help provide you with the encouragement and understanding needed to move forward. Once you've found your support system, make sure to put them first. Support others and let them know how much they mean to you so they know what they're doing for you too!


We all have days when we feel like giving up, but it's important to find the passion inside of you and push through. Here are some tips for when that happens: 

1) Find something that inspires you. 2) Be patient with yourself. 3) Focus on what's possible, not what is impossible. 4) Don't let your past dictate your future. 5) Surround yourself with people who make you want to work hard. 6) Remember how far you've come and how much more you can do if you're willing to put in the effort. 7) Recognize that these feelings of burnout happen and don't beat yourself up about them- just know that they will pass, so get back on track as soon as possible! 8) Remind yourself of how much good you can do in this world and how many lives you'll be impacting. 9) Make a list of everything that motivates you and refer to it often. 10) Keep telling yourself I'm worth it. 11) Turn off social media when you need to focus on self-care instead. 12) Put a sticky note or sign where you'll see it often with one sentence reminding you why working hard matters. 13) Do one small thing every day that brings joy into your life and reminds you why this is worth doing (even if the rest of the day doesn't go well). 14) Know that there will be setbacks, but take solace knowing everyone has those moments sometimes, even those who seem to have everything figured out.

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